The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68143   Message #1154083
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
04-Apr-04 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Lady Killers
Subject: RE: BS: The Lady Killers
What really bothers me about the violence - even when done with humor and even if integral to the plot - is that it desensitizes us to it eventually. People get used to the images and the idea, and it becomes acceptable and accepted in everyday movies, everyday experience. Or it makes people like me overly sensitive.

Language, on the other hand, does the same thing (in my opinion). I wasn't offended by the language because those 4-letter words have become so common and so frequently used by everyone, sometimes myself included. I greatly enjoy the clever use of words in print and spoken, and when mixed with good comedic timing even the repetition of the same old words can be funny and effective. Now that my kids are grown, I can relax that they don't walk around spouting expletives as a result of this exposure, but of course I would think differently with younger children.