The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68473   Message #1154593
Posted By: open mike
05-Apr-04 - 02:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
This has been mentioned in this link too .
I am 100 miles north of the nuke plane neat Sacramento ,Ca.
I believe it has been de-commissioned. Once it was shut down
when someone dropped a wrench behind the control board when
trying to change a lightbulb and something got shorted out
by that. The cooling ponds where the water was stored after
geing used to cool down the heat (or whatever the cooling ponds
were used for) were said to be the breeding grounds for mutant
frogs one of which was suppposed to have won the Calaveras Frog
Jumping Contest. I also live within a few miles of the RR tracks
where a "nuke" train has been known to travel. The nuclear waste
carried in this train comes from Asia, where nuclear power plants
have been exported by the U.S. The waste products are carried across the ocean, and then across land to a NUCLEAR DUMP SITE. Possibly in Idaho. There is also waste stored in Hanford, Washington. Plans
are in progress to locate a resting place for radioactive waste in
Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The waste products are the most questionable
part of the nuclear power industry. This and the connection with the nuclear weapons industry make the whole radioactive business terrible.