The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68473   Message #1154830
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
05-Apr-04 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
How many of you posting have acutally been in a nuclear plant? I have.    A few facts about nuclear energy.    Today it is one of the cheapest forms of energy in the market place.    In this era of rising gas prices, rising oil prices, and rising electricity prices, nuclear has become a viable option again.

Environmentalists around the world are very split on nuclear.   Many as evidenced in this forum think nuclear is the worst form of energy in the history of mankind.    Others, who are concerned with clean air think that nuclear is the best form of energy.   A recent world environmental organization gave France it's award because 70% of their energy is from nuclear.    If you have ever been on a tour of a coal plant (I had a personal tour of the 5th largest coal plant in the world- 30,000 tons per day) you would immediatlely see the difference in how much clearn the nuclear plant is.

In terms of safety- I am Ok with the current safeguards.   After three mile island, the government required numerous redundencies to ensure safety.   These have worked.   Davis Besse in Ohio is a good example how we shut down a nuclear plant if we think there is a problem.   I feel comportable about our own safeguards. I am not so comfortable with outside threats such as terrorism.    I think our security is better, but not nearly good enough.    I worry about the effects of a terrorism attack.

Certainly I would love to see more renewable energy in the future.   right now the price is not competitive.   Nuclear is a very viable option today for clean energy at a low price.   The biggest problem is NIMBY- no one wants a nuclear plant nearbye.