The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23807   Message #1154968
Posted By: Art Thieme
05-Apr-04 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: Sharon Mountain Harmony: Golden Ring of Gospel
Subject: RE: Sharon Mountain Harmony: Golden Ring of Gospel
I have prized my cassette of this for many, many (many) years.

It's simply wonderful. Lucy Simpson has always been one of my favorite singers. I'll never forget being on a workshop with her at one of the Folk Legacy Folk Festivals in Hartford, CT when she started singing "There Are Angels Hovering 'Round". I started batting things away from my head like I was being swarmed by flying creature things. She was laughing so hard she had to take a break. Lucy singing "Time Has Made A Change In Me" has certainly been more and more (and more) real to me as these decades roll past like they were minutes now. Several of my photos at were taken at this fine singing festival.

Say, Sandy, now that I have your attention, Ms Caroline was gonna send me 6 of each of my 2 Folk Legacy CDs about 3 or 4 months ago. Those never got here. I meant to call and tell you, but... I do hope they weren't lost.
