The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68483   Message #1155360
Posted By: dianavan
06-Apr-04 - 12:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Private Contractors'? I think not
Subject: RE: BS: 'Private Contractors'? I think not

Gee, how much more info do you need?

Outsourcing is definitely bad news any way you slice it.

Thanks for the clicky, Guest.

Contractors have been hiring sub-contractors for a long time to avoid proscetion for shoddy workmanship. Thats why the leaky-condo mess in Vancouver is unresolved. Nobody will take any responsibility for the leaks and its all legal.

Looks like dem Republicans know how to run the U.S. like a business, after all. Outsource everything and when the shit hits the fan, change your name to avoid liability. Bush is just another numbered company.

Time for a general worker's strike, I'd say.