The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68553   Message #1155367
Posted By: Art Thieme
06-Apr-04 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming" now an eBook
Subject: RE: BS: Presale of Kat's book, 'WindWords of Wyoming"
Kat----Welcome to the world of the folkie. This is the only way to really experience the scene as it has evolved in this U.S of A. Make your own LPs---cassettes----CDs--- books too and hawk 'em from your trunk, or the side of the stage, or use 'em for promo, as calling cards, as a place to put your hot coffee or pizza slice. I needed to have a place specific cassette to sell on the Mississippi River steamboats-- so I went into a studio and recorded it in two hours and had 'em to sell the Monday next. I used those there on the river for ten whole years. The older folks I was pickin' for on those boats didn't know from CDs; wouldn't've had anything to play 'em on anyway. The only way to come out ahead gigging around and burning gasoline was to sell stuff after the show. So, lady, you are joining a great lineage. Here's hoping you rake it in.

Lemme know particulars and you've made a sale.

Love to you and Rog,
