The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68561   Message #1155410
Posted By: Kaleea
06-Apr-04 - 02:37 AM
Thread Name: FaerySongs/Ballads
Subject: RE: FaerySongs/Ballads
Are you looking only for songs with lyrics, or are tunes ok? Must they be in English? There is a famous Irish song called Si Beag Si Mohr, by Turlough O'Carolan. Little Fairy, Big Fairy. This is a very popular song, recorded by lots of Irish musicians, mostly the tune only. It is about two hills where a couple of famous battles took place. One is about when two rival Fairy groups who battle it out, one group big fairies, & the other one little fairies. I have a recording of Graine Yeats, the Irish Harper, with her singing the song in Gaelic-1st time I'd ever heard it sung. The CD is from a harp festival, but it's packed away right now, so sorry I can't dig it out to get the title. One could probably find the lyrics & a translation on the www. Catters?