The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68483   Message #1155608
Posted By: Strick
06-Apr-04 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Private Contractors'? I think not
Subject: RE: BS: 'Private Contractors'? I think not
"Gee, how much more info do you need?"

Something pertinent to the conversation on Iraq?

"Looks like dem Republicans know how to run the U.S. like a business, after all."

Then how come the articles spend so much time talking about Clinton and what his administration did? Much of this comes from his decision to restructure the military so that we could hire what we need from civilian sources rather than keep a larger permanent military establishment. It's the only way we could get the peace dividend and I'm not sure it's totally a bad idea if we're talking about what are basicially civilian-type jobs the military needs done.

If you don't agree, that's OK, just remember where the system came from.