The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68072   Message #1156140
Posted By: Raggytash
06-Apr-04 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Duel MCFAT - KAMPERVAN
Petit Blanc et Rouge Lapin,

I could be VERY nice to you if only you wished, the Avril Betes (her French asperations are dubious) of this mortal coil are nought to your wonderful charms, she is liken to a female Monsieur D Bryant, may God perserve us.

The pusillanimous, timorous, runaway who would seek to be your betrothed is fearful, hesitant and is suffering from shaking and trembling, palpitations, jitters and the creeps at the thought of facing my wrath.

Kampervan I personally challange you to a duel, in the highly unlikely event of you being triumphant over my Noble Lord MC Fat, I remain as always a trusty and loyal second to me Noble Lord

Lord Bulstrode Wraggetache of Colne