The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68582   Message #1156144
Posted By: David Ingerson
06-Apr-04 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Goodbye Merritt (Herring)[April 2004]
Subject: RE: Obit: Goodbye Merritt
I had the good luck to have spent about half an hour with him yesterday and the day before. His handshake was still strong and firm on Sunday and he smiled and greeted me by name on both days. He had watched one of the NCAA semifinals the night before and said that the Georga Tech team sure was a scrappy and hard-working bunch and deserved to win it all. (He was into sports in a big way (unbeknownst to many in the folk club, I think) and he and I had watched many a football and basketball game on the tube together.) Both days he was in bed and not moving much--eyes closed most of the time, but when I sang Rosin the Beau yesterday and got to the line "I know that good quarters are waiting", he smiled.

He was a strong and a gentle man and his songs came out as if resonating from the center of his heart (which I'm sure they were). We will miss him.
