The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68473   Message #1156317
Posted By: Chief Chaos
07-Apr-04 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you live near a nuclear plant?
Metchosin - The only reason that is true is because the disasters caused by a loss of power from a fossil fuel plant are not recognized as such. How many people have frozen to death / died of heat stroke / died from failure of the machinery keeping them alive from loss of power, etc? How much economic loss was suffered because of rolling brownouts and other problems with the infrastructure? I could go on but I think we're getting into the weeds here.

Rapaire - There are a few that I can call to mind right off hand that aren't listed either. This was just the result of a ten second duck and search.

And for all of you that are against nuclear power, it has been nuclear power that has kept our submarines and air craft carriers running for years without fear of having the supply of fuel cut off by miner's strikes or OPEC playing games. There have been a few accidents with those power plants but not anything as bad as experienced by the Russians. I'm pretty sure that even if we get rid of nuclear plants in the US and UK that the rest of the world will continue humming along with it.