The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68582   Message #1157128
Posted By: Barbara
07-Apr-04 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Goodbye Merritt (Herring)[April 2004]
Subject: RE: Obit: Goodbye Merritt
Actually, David, he did post here a bit, for a while, and I think he may have a membership. I think perhaps Merritt wasn't particularly fond of the written word. He preferred his oral.
I know he came here and read about the songs, and before he had the stroke, he would keep up with some of the discussions.
If I asked him for a song, rather than writing it out, he would give me a tape with it on it, and likely a lot of other things that he thought I might enjoy listening to and/or learning. I still have a pile that I mean to get to soon.

I'll post more stories later.