The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68630   Message #1157354
Posted By: Willie-O
08-Apr-04 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: Why don't you go to folk clubs?
Subject: RE: Why don't you go to folk clubs?
Um, cause there aren't any?
Here in smalltown Ontario, we have a type of performance known as a "concert". They are held in locations with no smoke, soft seats, and sometimes a bar open at intermission. The performer whose name is on the bill plays for about 85% of the show, and someone less famous does three to five songs at the beginning of the evening, they are often quite good, or at least they are finished soon.
You pays your money and you get one of these soft seats and know roughly what the evening will be like. (Better yet, if you are cheap and locally-connected like moi, you can often get in free in exchange for modest services rendered)

Afterwards if you are the sociable type you can go find a drink with your friends if you see any, and take in all the smoke and noise you care to.