The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68420   Message #1157435
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
08-Apr-04 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan for Victoria's Secret
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan for Victoria's Secret
Sorry you feel that way guest. It is easy for you to make your own definition of "sellout" and then dismiss other arguements.   

I never claimed to be a Dylan "worshipper". I admire his music, but my life does not rise or set with his words or lifestyle. I simply accept him as a good writer who has the same flaws as we all do. I do not put him on a pedestal or hold him up to MY ideals of what he should be doing, which it seems that you do.   I do not make assumptions, which you have, and if I learned anything from the flawed generation that Dylan came from it is that people should be allowed to follow their own path.   "Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."