The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68640   Message #1157620
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
08-Apr-04 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
Anybody know where I can find a picture of Dr. Rice where she doesn't look like she's pissed off at the entire world?

Not necessarily a smile. Just a neutral or pensive expression, maybe?

And I'm not going to say anything about her using the "Doctor" tag, even though I think it's a bit pretentious for people holding non-medical doctorates to use the title outside of academic circles. I guess if it was good enough for Henry Kissinger it's good enough for Condi Rice.

Wait a minute! Condi Rice ain't no Henry Kissinger!