The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68640   Message #1158140
Posted By: Barry Finn
09-Apr-04 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
Clark apologized for failing the American people because it happened on his watch. Dr Rice excepted no responsiblity & made no apology for herself or for her administration claiming "who could've known". She was the cock of the walk, the head banana, the one who should've known what every one else knew. The one who should've seen to fixing the pipeline from the FBI & CIA. For all her intellegence she hasn't got the street sense God gave a rock. With all the info she had recievd it's impossible for me to believe that she didn't have an ear to the ground & an eye towards the sky, maybe all she had was a tounge in Bush's mouth. No one will turn upon the others, the rats can't jump ship until they're all sure she's going down with all hands & even then they care more for their own skins than they do for the nation. She was asked a couple times if she'd declassify some of the documents & make them available to the American people, she didn't even have the respect to acknowledge the question & continued on her merry way. She should be called the Teflon Doll but I doubt if the name would stick.
