The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68640   Message #1158590
Posted By: GUEST,pdc
10-Apr-04 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
This rather astonishing letter initially seems far-fetched, until you look at who wrote it - a Republican woman who had been inside government, and until you remember the old adage, "follow the money."

Open Letter to Condi from Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing:


April 9, 2004

Dear Ms. Rice:

I am writing to communicate four points regarding your testimony yesterday under oath before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Point #1: You are a liar.

Attorney General Ashcroft sits on the National Security Council. Warned by his FBI security detail, the head of law enforcement for the United States knew to avoid commercial airlines on September 11, 2001.

It was your job as National Security Advisor to make sure that the people who flew on American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, United Airlines Flight 93 and American Airlines Flight 77 had the benefit of the same warnings as those they paid to protect us.

You knew. You kept silent. They died.

You had numerous warnings of the risks of 9-11 – sufficient to let the American people know and use their best judgment as to how to protect themselves from a possible attack. It was your job as National Security Advisor to make sure that the people in the South Tower of the World Trade Center had the knowledge they needed to evacuate their building upon seeing the North Tower hit by a plane.

You knew. You kept silent. They died..."

Complete Article