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Thread #68685   Message #1159311
Posted By: GUEST
11-Apr-04 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
More comments from national news outlets around the world on the first anniversary:

With the insurgencies becoming more frequent and violent, the 'coalition of the willing' is proving to be a 'coalition of the wavering'... A year after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the coalition no longer controls much in Iraq, which is starting to look like Afghanistan at the time of the Soviet occupation.

Liberation - France

The situation in Iraq is getting increasingly explosive. Shia and Sunni rebels are uniting their forces... a clear challenge to the occupying forces, pushing the conflict towards a new, unpredictable situation. The war in Iraq is copying, in other ways, the worst characteristics of other conflicts. As in Chechnya, the first kidnappings of foreigners have emerged.

ABC - Spain

Schroeder did his country a service by not sending Germany to the front line in Iraq in the alleged war against terror.. So that there is no misunderstanding: it is important for Germany to be friends with the Americans. But for this very reason, it could also be important not to be friends with George W Bush.

Commentary in Bild am Sonntag - Germany

Even if Iraq is not the US military's 'second Vietnam', it is still a frightening quagmire... anti-US sentiment in Iraq has reached a critical point, which is likely to give rise to a nationwide anti-occupation situation... America's self-invented 'liberator' image has collapsed just as the statue of Saddam did a year ago.

People's Daily - China

George Bush has forced the leaders of the Arab world to fear not the fate of Saddam Hussein, but a large-scale Shia uprising and a civil war capable of spilling beyond the borders of Iraq... [The situation provides] a chance for Moscow's voice to be heeded by Washington... the opinion of Russia and its partners in the anti-war camp should be taken into account.

Commentators in Nezavisimaya Gazeta - Russia

The United States has no options now that it has been proved that its political plan to propagate democracy has failed. The US plan has therefore reached its end, because US culture is a culture of war which the world does not need. Peace is humanity's only option.

Ukaz - Saudi Arabia