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Thread #68685   Message #1159331
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Apr-04 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
Guest (who started this thread), I am in agreement with pretty much everything you have said about the Iraq war. And you have said it in an articulate, well-organized way too.

The Democratic and Republican parties are the two flea-bitten wings of the same rapacious corporate buzzard that flaps around the World and launches cynical wars in its search for control of strategic resources and markets.

Bush and Kerry are the latest Tweedledum and Tweedledee that the Sy$stem has trotted out for its hapless citizens to choose between.

If the Democrats win the election they will inherit the incredible mess in Iraq and the Middle East, and will probably go on to do further destructive things.

The last thing any of these American foreign iniatives are about is establishing democracy ANYWHERE!!! Including within the borders of the USA...

A democracy, by definition, is an outfit which makes decisions freely, according to the democratic will of its people...and such an administration will NEVER be supported by the USA in any of its conquests or surrogates abroad. On the contrary, they want an administration in Iraq that rolls over and plays dead when they want it to, and meekly follows all instructions from Washington while the country is robbed of its oil and its sovereignty. That's basically what they wanted in South Vietnam too...aside from the oil.

They didn't get it. They're not going to get it in Iraq.

Yes, this is quite different from Vietnam, and to link the two is simplistic, although there are definitely some parallels in a broad sense. Vietnam was driven more by cold-war ideology (and a search for strategic positioning in Southeast Asia.).

The reason the Democrats don't have the guts to call a spade a spade is that they basically represent the same corrupt corporate agenda that the Republicans do, and they aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.

- LH