The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68640   Message #1159540
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Apr-04 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
What president would NOT lie under oath about having illicit sex with an employee, while he thought he could still get away with lying?

Answer: none of them. They would all lie under oath.

Clinton's sin was not that he had sex with Monica, and not that he lied under oath, but merely this: HE GOT CAUGHT LYING!!!

Face it, Clinton-hating partisan Republicans...Bill Clinton did exactly what a Republican president always does when confronted with damaging accusations of misbehaviour...evade, deny, stonewall, and lie.

The only reason you can't stand Clinton doing it is because you don't like him in the first place! Because he's a Democrat. If a Republican you really liked lied under oath you would find excuses to justify'd wiggle around the issue'd say it really wasn't relevant because of something else that was much more important....which was, in fact, the case with Clinton's little Lewinsky problem (a tempest in a teapot).

You need to study up on your own prejudices and how they influence your reasoning mind...and at least derive some self-deprecating amusement in the process.

Me, I can't stand either the Republicans or the Democrats, so I think it's easier for me to think clearly on such partisan issues than it is for you....but that's just my own slant on it. I would turf both of them out of office permanently and disband the jerks if I had the power to, and return some honesty to politics.

- LH