The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68640   Message #1159611
Posted By: GUEST,guest from NW
11-Apr-04 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
Subject: RE: BS: Condi Rice Runs out the clock...
"I'll freely admit very bad judgement. That they lied in this is simply improbable."

telling lies shows bad judgement. that they have lied is fact.

but the point of all this, without going over the specific instances that we here and everyone else have batted back and forth ad nauseum, is this... the administration had an agenda from day one. saddam and iraq. they took advantage of an incredible tragedy to institute that agenda making a horrendously bad judgement. many people have now died or had their lives horribly changed because of this agenda which has not for one second served america's best interests, advanced democracy or freedom in the world, has made us nothing but enemies in the world and distanced us from our friends and allies. i don't actually think there is as much outright lying as there is manipulation of the facts to suit this agenda because the people running this mess (cheney, wolfowitz, etc. with bush merely the mouthpiece) really believe that what they are doing makes sense. thay are ideologues, rich greedy war profiteering bastards who have no sense of what regular people's lives are like and have no conscince (sp?) to keep them from using innocents for cannon fodder in their holy war. they are just as stupid, unyielding, dogmatic, uncaring, vicious, and fundamentalistic as their counterpart bin laden. get these criminals out.