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Thread #68706   Message #1159842
Posted By: Strick
12-Apr-04 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Aug 6th Presidential Daily Briefing
Subject: RE: BS: The Aug 6th Presidential Daily Briefing
"this is just another sleight-of-hand from the bushits. there is enough ambiguity in the PDB to keep people arguing about out-of-context bullsh*t while the wicked agenda moves along. they hold things up, as they did with rice's testimony, finally come across with a bag of hot air and a few of these little distraction bombs to keep the rabble arguing among themselves and they keep up their furious fiddling as rome burns. get these criminals out of office."

GUEST,guest from NW - PM, if Bush had insisted on publishing the PDB, I might agree with you. This is different. Two different Democrats on the Commission who had read the briefing all but insisted there was revealing information in it and started a frenzy in the media demanding that it be declassified.

Which is more likely, that the "bushits" were so smart they tricked the Demos into making this demand despite the evidence of their own eyes, or that the Demos were running a bluff and didn't expect Bush ever declassify it. Think about it, out of context the points are damning. When you read them in context, particularly against the backdrop of the times and what else was known, it's a non-event. In a way, it's the perfect thing to do to solidify the anti-Bush base. How many people are going to remember all the hype from a few days ago versus the number who are actually going to read the brief for themselves? NB: I had one heck of a time finding a copy of it to link to here.