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Thread #68685   Message #1159916
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Apr-04 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
Stalin's not a problem anymore, Strick. He WAS a big problem, but he's gone. Kind of like Saddam. The corporate plutocracy is the main existing problem...and the terrorists that it armed and trained back in the 80's. Insurgents will use any and all weapons that are available to them, and they do...some weapons come from Russian, some from China, some from France, some from the USA, some from Britain...they come from wherever good, profit-seeking gunrunners and arms dealers reside.

I would definitely be willing to use an AK-47 if it was handy, and I felt compelled to fight a battle in defence of my national sovereignty.

- LH