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Thread #68685   Message #1160027
Posted By: GUEST
12-Apr-04 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
First, the whole freakin' world is awash with blackmarket American made and Russian made weapons, amongst others. The country of origin and age of a weapon tells you nothing about the person carrying it.

Also Strick, it doesn't matter whether the president who ordered the Japanese interned in WWII was liberal, conservative, or pink with green polka dots, unless of course you are a right wing ideologue with your mind closed, shut, and locked.

That way, of course, the fact of Japanese internment by the US government doesn't trouble you because it wasn't your side's fault, right?

So just when did you stop being a concerned, thinking human being, and an American, and decide to be a Republican instead, Strick?