The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68685   Message #1160745
Posted By: Strick
13-Apr-04 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq Not Becoming Another Vietnam
"That way, of course, the fact of Japanese internment by the US government doesn't trouble you because it wasn't your side's fault, right?

So just when did you ... decide to be a Republican instead, Strick?"

On the contrary, it troubles me greatly and I would oppose any remotely similar action today. I'm against racially based stereotyping in airline secruity, for example. I just don't like some of the wholier than thou crap I see from some people who think liberals can do no wrong.

As to the later question, I was a Democrat until the party began running that string of incredibly bad candidates in the last 60s. I took a hard look at the special interest groups they represented and began to waiver. The deal was sealed by this guy Carter, who obviously makes a better ex-President than he ever did a President.

Just when did you decide to make spirited discussion personal, GUEST? I admit I slip into it occassionally, but always regret it and usually apologize when I can finally suck down my pride.