The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67578   Message #1160772
Posted By: JennyO
13-Apr-04 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Ozcatters meet @ the National @ Easter?
Subject: RE: Ozcatters meet @ the National @ Easter?
My only complaint is that most of the Drambuie was gone by the time I got there and I only got a taste.

Bob Zentz and Rick Lee were lovely fellas - we got a lot of their CD's. Bob told me he had posted under the name of Scuttlebob, but he may not have actually been a member. I intend to do a search.

Met Joybell for the first time - there she was up on stage with her big Mudcat badge on for all to see.

The weather was particularly good for Canberra at this time of year - mostly warm days and cool to cold nights, but not really freezing like it has been sometimes. There was a little bit of rain one day, but not enough to be too worried about.

We had a good camping spot just across the road from the session bar - there was always music to go to sleep by, even if it was 4 in the morning, which it was most times for me.

New discoveries for me performance-wise, apart from the aforementioned Bob and Rick, were The Spooky Mens Chorus and Bob Brozman.

Jennie G is still there and will be for a few more days - half her luck!

Now it's back to real life and dealing with the idiots who installed a reconditioned alternator in my car a few weeks ago, and forgot to bolt it in properly *&^%#+X>*#@+*!!!!!