The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13867   Message #116092
Posted By: Den
21-Sep-99 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: The Village of Mudcat
Subject: The Village of Mudcat
The sun rises behind the hills that overlook the village of Mudcat. There's not too much going on at this hour. The only movement, the ribbons tied to the Maypole on the village green and the little curl of smoke rising from the chimney of the bakers shop. Hi I'm Den village sign maker. I have two signs finished and ready to bring across the street to Leej publican of the Mudcat Tavern. There's noone stirring over there yet. Another day begins in our busy little market village with people coming and going. Some come here to visit and move on and others plant roots and stay. I'm sure they'll introduce themselves to you.