The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68521   Message #1161032
Posted By: Donuel
13-Apr-04 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs do not exist!
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs do not exist!
The small softball sized balls of nebulus light that I watched pass right through two brick walls were very exciting, I actually touched one.

a clever illustrated poem of the esperience...

The large resonant electric trobbing of a trianular craft created such an ominous feeling in our bones that my wife and I were struck motionless with a feeling of danger that prevented any attempt to chase after it. It was'nt the size but a sonorous terror that was unlike any other experience. I normally would run out into a horrendous thunderstorm but this was different. There was no static electricity that made hairs stand on end but a feeling of danger none the less.

A man by the name of Michalak did once approach a landed craft and was surprised by small port holes emmitting deep burns in his abdomen.
The wounds persisted for the rest of his life and is supported by numerous hospital photographs.

Intent may be benign but technology has its dangers if its a helicopter rotor or unknown device. These unknown devices are so energetic that they tend to ionize the air around them. The air turns silvery and reflective like a mirage. This is why so many sightings are so fleeting.

One of the only non fiction books of this phenomena is by Paul Hill.