The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7933   Message #1161430
Posted By: Carly
14-Apr-04 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: Remembering Fox Hollow
Subject: RE: Remembering Fox Hollow
I was just discussing Fox Hollow with a houseguest this morning-I am very pleased to see this thread!

I was in the audience when word of Nixon's resignation rustled through the crowd, starting at the top of the hill, and worked its way in excited whispers to the stage. I remember Caroline singing, and then everyone joining in America the Beautiful. I'm not sure I was able to sing-I recall being overwhelmed with emotion.

I remember singing shape-note hymns in the gazebo, jammed together so closely that we joked about the parts breathing in turn.I remember standing on the path to the performers' camping area, shamelessly eavesdropping on a conversation I had no interest in, because one of the men talking had the most compelling voice I'd ever heard. I didn't find out until that evening that the Voice belonged to Gordon Bok.I remember a great crafts area; even though I was a student at that time, with no money, I managed to bring back a mug and a canister which I still own, use and cherish. I also seem to recall making a macrame instrument strap there, which I also have kept.I remember the Dildines, with Ginny's fantastic puppets-- they once did Where are You Going, My Good Old Man with gigantic creations.I remember the sound of bagpipes all over the grounds, at all hours.

My two fondest memories-Wandering around the performers' campground after an evening concert looking for Murray Callahan,( I don't recall why, and I never did find her that night,) I literally stumbled into Jean Ritchie as she was emerging from her camper.I was embarassed beyond words(one should not trample ones musical heros, and I nearly knocked her over!)But she, bless her, was her kind self, and after allowing as how she was uninjured and had not seen Murray, we began to chat. Some other folks drifted up, someone started to sing, and we sang, standing in a tight ring, until someone noticed the stars were beginning to fade. So of course we sang Bright Morning Stars are Rising, and then I headed off to bed. Which leads to the second memory. I was staying in a campground down the road a ways, and my camping companions were long gone to sleep, so I began to walk down the road, rejoicing in the glorious night(no rain for a bit) and still high on the music. I was probably singing. It took me a few minutes to realize that a car was slowly following me. I turned and looked at it, and a policeman emerged and asked if I was all right. I babbled back that I was just great, and the night was fine, and the world was a lovely place.....He eventually interupted me to suggest it was time for bed, and where was I staying? So I told him, wished him a pleasant morning, and strolled on. The car discreetly followed me back to the campground. I never could make up my mind whether he thought I was drunk, stoned, or just another crazy hippie, but he was very polite.

Thank you, everyone, for sharing your memories of this special place and time.

Carly Gewirz