The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68769   Message #1161474
Posted By: Strick
14-Apr-04 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented: Kean
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented: Kean
dianavan, I understand. As a WAG, I'd say we might expect to give up one third of our current level of goods and services, and that we won't get to decide which third. It will probably include some things we really want or even need. More importantly, I have no doubt that the people hurt most by this will be the ones who can afford it least. Imagine we don't like that, but I'm also sure it's obvious.

To top it off, the cynic in me would think that any resulting "progress" in the world wouldn't go to the peoples who need it, it would go to the next two or three most agressive national powers. Ever feed ducks stale bread in at a pond? If the largest male stops eating, it isn't the smallest, weakest ducks that get the next pieces of the bread.

If you think getting the US to agree to this would be difficult, imagine what it'll be like getting everyone else on board.