The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68697   Message #1161758
Posted By: Once Famous
14-Apr-04 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why don't Christians Celebrate Passover?
Subject: RE: BS: Why don't Christians Celebrate Passover?
Yorkshire Yankee

You may want to believe your philosophy about Jewish kids wanting to participate in Hanukah to keep up with the candy and gifts their gentile friends get, but it just isn't so. Hanukah is truly a minor holiday that isn't observed as a convenience to appease kids during winter vacation so they don't feel left out. Like I said, there are no commercials blaring at you "only 3 more shopping days to Hanukah" even in the most Jewish of neighborhoods. Most kids accept token gifts, in most cases chocolate or small amounts of money. There is no gift fairy like Santa Claus.

georgiansilver, I do respect your wishes to pray to whomever you want. That is truly how we were brought up to think in America. Like I said, we don't need an intermediary person or statue to get through our prayers to God. We can talk through our own hearts.

Little Hawk, all ancient rleigions are based on some lore, some superstition, some hard fact and have passed through the ages. Much of the Jewish religions beliefs are based on the Torah, which ancient copies of do exist. The Torah is truly written the same through the ages, but it is true that how it is interpreted has different perceptions. I have chosen to accept like other things in life and even on this forum, what probably is probably a reasonable facsimile of the truth and what probably is bullshit.

The Jews simply reject Jesus as the messiah, plain and simple. Not the concept of the messiah, but we're still waiting for someone who really might lead humanity out of evil and wars, and truly enighten many more then who claim to be enlightened now.

As for you, Guest bastardlove,etc., I don't give a rat's tushy if you believe in nothing but how far you can spew your wad, but your type seems to come around real quick when they are lying there dying or terminally sick.