The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68582   Message #1162029
Posted By: Deckman
14-Apr-04 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Goodbye Merritt (Herring)[April 2004]
Subject: RE: Obit: Goodbye Merritt
Barbara ... Thank you, so much, for continuing this thread on the course you have ... "Merritt stories." It's postings like these that make the person real and tangible to strangers.

While my personal contact with Merritt was far too limited, there was/is one moment that keeps coming to my mind. It was not ONE occasion when I heard hin sing a song, but rather EVERY occasion that I heard him sing a song.

Everytime I was pleasured by listening to him, I simply marveled at his tones. "Tones" is a poor word now, as it really doesn't describe the depth of feeling he evoked. This is a case where words, vocabulary, writing skills fail me. Suffice it to say, that he caused the hair to rise on my neck, everytime he sang.

It had to do with the qualities of his voice, his pitch, his verve, but I suppose most of all, his incredible warmth and affection for not just the music, but for the listener as well.

I cannot imagine a more perfect compliment than to have said of you: "You sang that song as Merritt Herring sang it!" Blessings, Bob

Am I making any sense to anyone? Bob