The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68072   Message #1162961
Posted By: Dave Bryant
16-Apr-04 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Duel MCFAT - KAMPERVAN
Are all these northerners whingeing coz they can't take their booze ? Good job that you lot weren't around at Miskin on Sunday night when we had the task of making sure that all the remaining barrels of ale got consumed. We had no trouble getting through 2,232 pints of assorted good ales and 160 pints of Draught Cider - and it wasn't that weak gassy stuff with 25% of head that you folks up north call beer.

Kampervan - If we bring up some of Mr Neames Finest Faversham ale - we could probably win the duel by a walk-over.