The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68769   Message #1163292
Posted By: GUEST,petr
16-Apr-04 - 12:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented: Kean
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented: Kean
according to cnn.
by this time in their terms of office both Clinton and George H Bush
had 72 press conferences, George W had 11

Im not surprised he doesnt read his pdbs but has them read to him.

whether 911 could have been prevented is past history and can be
blamed on a whole number of people and circumstances but the Iraq venture is George W.'s own project.

and how many things have they been wrong about, aside from the obvious twisted and exaggerated notion of imminent wmd threat, and encouraginag an unsubstantiated link to 911 in the publics mind.

(wolfowitz & rumsfelds own 'wildly' inaccurate troop requirement
to establish security in post invasion Iraq.

Cheneys and wolfowitz's 'wildly' incorrect assumption they would be greeted as liberators.

disbanding the Iraqi army - thus creating a cadre of idle, embittered and armed young men.

when Paul Bremer was asked the other day - who they will hand over power to on June 30th he said 'thats a good question' - bad answer.


Heres what Ret. Marine Gen. Zinni has to say
(the full article is here)

Not even Zinni's resumé could shield him from the accusations that followed.

"I've been called a traitor and a turncoat for mentioning these things," said Zinni, 60. The problems in Iraq are being caused, he said, by poor planning and shortsightedness, such as disbanding the Iraqi army and being unable to provide security.

Zinni said the United States must now rely on the U.N. to pull its "chestnuts out of the fire in Iraq."

"We're betting on the U.N., who we blew off and ridiculed during the run-up to the war," Zinni said. "Now we're back with hat in hand. It would be funny if not for the lives lost."

Several things have to happen to get Iraq back on course, whether the U.N. decides to step in or not, Zinni said.

Improving security for American forces and the Iraqi people is at the top of the list followed closely by helping the working class with economic projects.