The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1163317
Posted By: Janie
16-Apr-04 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
From the little bit of research I've done, it looks like the worms can be ordered on-line, as well as information on how to go about it. Before I do it, however, I want to talk to someone who has or is doing it themselves. If they were, but aren't now--I wanna know why!

Jewelweed (impatiens capensis), also called "touch-me-not" is a nice edible plant when young. The new shoots (up to 6 or 8 inches) can be cut and steamed like green beans. I put a little water (about 1/2 inch)in a skillet, add some minced onion, and when the water boils add the shoots and cook on medium heat until the water is evaporated. Then I toss them with herbed butter (I like garlic, taragon, basil and a touch of marjoram.) You can also toss in croutons or toasted sesame seeds. This is also my family's favorite recipe for fresh green beans. Right now I'm having a senior moment and can't remember if jewelweed becomes toxic if used internally after the stems begin to leaf out. I think so, but am not sure. It has also been used as a fungicide for athletes foot, but I don't think it is nearly as effective for that as it is for poison ivy.

I have always wondered if the related impatiens that so many grow as annual flowers will also prevent poison ivy. So far, haven't found a guinea pig to check it out.
