The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67991   Message #1163338
Posted By: Bobert
16-Apr-04 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)
Subject: RE: BS: The Spring Garden (N. Hemisphere)

Ahhh, we have worms going to bed (pun inteneded). We do a lot of composting because with 5 acres of mostly wood and about 3/4 acre open, we have plenty of material. Plus, all the kitchen scaps, coffee grounds, egg shells, etc. get used.

Janie and others:

Blue bells in bloom, pulmonaria, twin leaf, blood root, marsh lilly, in bloom. Hostas, ferns, Solomons seal poking their heads up outtta the ground. Lylac swollen, Some azaleas showing a little color as are camillias... Temps in the 60's... Beautiful day... Going back out and finish cleaning up the "Ginyard Bed". Actually it is more of a hydranga bed with Ginyard Ive as the border... Daned voles ate a real nice hosta over the winter. I hate those little buggers and one day I'll kill off the last of the grubs so they will leave.
