The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68896   Message #1163815
Posted By: freda underhill
17-Apr-04 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Skepticemia
Subject: RE: BS: Skepticemia
Good points made there, Jeri, getting to the kernel of things with a few pearls of wisdom.

Yes, I think a skepticaemiac is more than a sceptic, moving more into the territory of hypercyniciopontificude.

Now are you sure that oysters find each other attractive? if so, why do they put those big shells around themselves? seem pretty self contained to me, but I wouldnt know, I havent eaten one for over 30 years.

antibiotics, isn't that a form of germ warfare? well, whatever you say, you seem to know what you're on about.

yes, fax the cash, that's a good idea.

best wishes
