The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68906   Message #1164172
Posted By: John P
18-Apr-04 - 12:31 AM
Thread Name: Pre-Gig Insanity, Rituals, Rules, etc.
Subject: RE: Pre-Gig Insanity, Rituals, Rules, etc.
- Get a good night sleep the night before.
- The last two hours before you have to leave for the gig always go at double
- Walk in with a smile on your face and keep it there the whole night.
- Make an agreement with your band mates and family that no one is going to be unpleasant and argue on the way to the gig.
- Really know where you are going, or leave plenty of time wander around looking for the place.
- Never believe that someone else's PA is going work and do what you need it to.
- Make friends with the sound person as soon as you walk in (this is one of the most important rules, and is apparently unknown to most musicians).
- Bring extra cables.
- Bring extra strings.
- Leave plenty of time to solve PA hassles.
- Secure your pay.
- Have a set list that includes a few alternatives.
- Don't act like a prima donna to anyone at the gig, ever.
- Be completely set up, tuned, warmed up, and sound checked at least 15 minutes before starting time. Spend that 15 minutes NOT doing anything having to do with the gig.

Insanity: If you follow the rules it is greatly reduced. Even if everything around you goes insane, don't follow suit.

Rituals: Following the rules is plenty of ritual. Maybe some of the rules are rituals, but they are also the rules.

John Peekstok