The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68689   Message #1164234
Posted By: George Papavgeris
18-Apr-04 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: GUEST posters who start fights
Subject: RE: BS: GUEST posters who start fights
There is one other difference between Martin Gibson and yourself, GUEST: He cannot just be PMed, he can also be identified by name, traced, harassed, thumped on the nose. In other words, he takes full responsibility for his postings and offers his name and reputation to back them. So do others like Harvey Andrews, Clinton Hammond, Richard Bridge, etc. So do all the regular members who have posted their profiles, so they can be identified.

I have no problem with anyone coming in as a GUEST to post a genuine query, or to offer an opinion. I do have a problem with anonymous attacks and slander aimed at anyone. It reminds me of kids who ring the doorbell and then make a run for it. It has the same annoyance factor. But their words can never carry the weight of an eponymous poster.

So, in the full knowledge that you can look me up in the Members directory and PM me or even email me, harass me, come to my gigs and heckle me etc...:

...Piss off you little rascal...