The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68926   Message #1164441
Posted By: Peace
18-Apr-04 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Man went to the moon, but why???
Subject: RE: BS: Man went to the moon, but why???
I was more than that. If humans give up on the idea of reaching the stars, of exploring space, of 'finding' new worlds (sounds like an episode of Star Trek with THE William Shatner), then we throw away the dreams of the future. My daughter really wants to go to Mars. It is a dream she has had since she was three or four and first found out it was there. She works hard at her maths and sciences, studies the sky, reads about everything to do with astronomy, takes a martial art to keep in shape, and has as her heroes those people who have risked their lives to venture beyond the bonds of Earth. As adults, we know the odds of that dream becoming a reality, but she is almost an adult, and she won't give up the dream. Do I continue to encourage her? Damn right. To quote Blish, "They Shall Have Stars."