The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68072   Message #1164557
Posted By: Red and White Rabbit
18-Apr-04 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Duel MCFAT - KAMPERVAN
Hello o guest NTFTO

the duel is not fought on line but it is this year to be fought at Beverley Folk Festival in the UK. The format last year was I believe with old git each contender to sing a Shanty then a song from Burns and then a song of their own choice - the seconds also had to sing a song. Voting was by the gathered audience and the judges could be bribed to alter decision for chocolate or by singing their favourite songs etc. Each round was scored and the winner was declared based on the highest number of points - or in the event of a tie on the least cheating!!

DeaMeister v MCFAT chose love songs and Bruns for their specialist rounds when they fought for the love of Kampervans daughter Big Bird but Sooty, a waterpistol and chocolate led to MCfat being disqualified and Deanmeister claiming to win - or was it that he threatened to throw himself off the Humber bridge if Mcfat touched Big Bird - basically we are all completely mad and have a great time with songs and sculdugery and this thread is the build up to the event
Noreen are you being a judge again? Low cut top and chocolate?

well he/she did ask!!