The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68554   Message #1164856
Posted By: Chief Chaos
19-Apr-04 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Walmart Sidesteps the Government...
Subject: RE: BS: Walmart Sidesteps the Government...
Just how many management positions do you think there are? And if someone gets inot that management position do you think they are likely to leave that position any time soon? Just how long can somebody making minimum wage (relative to the local economy) wait to get a raise or get into that management position.

That is the same argument used by many against raising the minimum wage.

At least in the military our lowest positions, those with the lowest pay, have the same benefits as all the other personnel. There is also usually a yearly raise to compensate for cost of living adjustments. There hasn't been an increase in the minimum wage for at least 7 years!

By the way. Those laws and regulations to protect the worker are written in the blood of those that came before them. The gov't of the United States will not usually make laws regarding work practices until the worst accident actually happens. Unions give the workers a collective voice against a system that has millions of dollars at hand to get other workers to accept conditions of employment because they have no other choice.