The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68951   Message #1165071
Posted By: Helen
19-Apr-04 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Peanut butter & ?? sandwiches
Subject: BS: Peanut butter & ?? sandwiches
Hi all,

I had yet another conversation today about the joys of peanut butter sandwiches with various combinations of other ingredients.

It struck me how many of these info-sharing peanut-butter-celebration conversations I have had in my life, and because Mudcat is a haven of diversity, especially when it comes to food, I thought I'd ask (yet another) "what is your favourite" question.

So, what is your favourite ingredient(s) which you put on sandwiches with peanut butter.

My all-out favourite combination is peanut butter and lettuce - especially your common or garden old fashioned lettuce, crispy, crunchy lettuce.

After that there is:
pb & honey
pb & jam
pb & tomato slices
pb & celery & sultanas

For my taste it has to be crunchy pb.

Have we done this topic before? I know someone (Susan/WYSIWYG maybe) recommended pb/hot dog/browned fried onions in another thread. Haven't tried that yet.

My husband staunchly refuses to try pb & lettuce sandwiches. I tell him he doesn't know what he is missing, but it doesn't sway his "skepticaemic" resolve.

Someone I knew a long time ago was listening to a conversation among a few people about pb-&-? sandwiches and she said: "Don't you like peanut butter? You seem to need to disguise the taste."
