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Thread #68978   Message #1166433
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
20-Apr-04 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush pulls ahead of Kerry in latest poll
Subject: RE: BS: Bush pulls ahead of Kerry in latest poll
It is a political eternity until November.    Both sides should not get excited over any poll.    In Spain, the polls changed 10 points in 2 days after the train attack.   So relax- we haven't even had a debate yet.

Jacqui C.

What are you missing- He freed 50 million people, hit Al Queda hard either killing or capturing a good number of its leaders, removed Sadaam, and foiled numerous terrorist attack.   (no US attacks since 9/11)   ON the economy we currently have a 5.7% unemployment rate- lower than the 1970's, 1980's, and the same as 1996 when Clinton ran for 2nd term.    The GNP has grown at 3.2% under Bush (as opposed to 3.3% under Clinton), and the stock market has come back.    The US (people create jobs, not the goverment) has created 400,000 new jobs in the past 2 months and economic indicators are all up.   It is very hard to justify how Clinton had the best economy in the past 50 years and Bush has the worst when their real economic numbers are very similar.    In addition, Bush has cleaned up several corporate scandales with many leaders of Worldcom, Global Crossing, and even Enron in jail.   The national debt is high but as a percentage of GNP it is very low when compared to a number of other administrations.   (and probably lower than either of our personal debt)   As far as giving money to people who don't need it- I got my tax refund and increased child tax credit and I need it.   So did every other working american.   My guess is that most of them needed it too.