The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9466 Message #1166466
Posted By: GUEST,Obie
20-Apr-04 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Is Green Sleeves really Irish?
Subject: RE: Is Green Sleeves really Irish?
Please allow me to prove beyond a doubt that Greensleeves predates 1580 by at least 300 years. How many remember the old tv show "Robin Hood"? One of Robins Merrymen was a minstrel who played a lute. Robin lived in the days of Richard I (The Lion Heart) 1157-1199 AD Robin's minstrel played Greensleeves on his lute quite often and sometimes sang the lyrics. Therefore I would deduct that it must date to at least the late 12th century and is English beyond a doubt. LOL :-}