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Thread #68978   Message #1166564
Posted By: freightdawg
20-Apr-04 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush pulls ahead of Kerry in latest poll
Subject: RE: BS: Bush pulls ahead of Kerry in latest poll

You are shouting in a vacuum. When people say, "What has Bush done" they are basically saying "I hate Bush and won't listen to anything you say anyway."

I agree with much of what you said. The job loss everyone points to is linked to three basic events: 1) the passage of NAFTA (a Pres. Clinton accomplishment, and a mixed bag of blessings/curses) 2) the ebb and flow cycle of economics that was inevitable following the boom years of the 90's, and was already evident in the last months of Clinton's presidency, and 3) the huge hit of 9/11.

However, your reach exceeded your grasp on a couple of points. One, Pres. Bush did not clean up the corporate scandals. They will be cleaned up, if they are cleaned up, without his help. He is the President, not the attorney general or district attorney in each state that has jurisdiction. Also, the resiliency of the American people is to thank for the returning economy. While the tax breaks have aided that considerably, the Federal Reserve policies have more to do with the overall economy than what one president says or does.

When everything is said and done, the American presidency is a remarkably powerless position. He cannot "do" anything without congressional approval and judicial oversight. The founding fathers, sick of dictatorial monarchs, made it so. That is the true genius of the American system, at least as it was envisioned originally. As I have said before, and will say again, this country is bigger than Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy......all the way back to Washington. And it will be bigger than whoever is elected in November.
