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Thread #68864   Message #1166767
Posted By: dianavan
20-Apr-04 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: GWB Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: GWB Press Conference
McGrath - Storm troopers will not be necessary because this time the guy who designed the voting machine, is also a Bush supporter. Bush knows he's going to win because the vote is already rigged.

Even if its not rigged, Bush knows how to appeal to the "common" American and Kerry appeals only to Democratic hard liners. At least Nader has guts and he appeals to the Greens and the younger voters as well. Who in their right mind thinks that Kerry will change anything? Kerry is the status quo.

Please tell me how Kerry will change the war in Iraq. Please tell me how he plans to improve health and education. Please tell me how he will improve the economy or decrease unemployment. I want to hear about his problem-solving ability. All I've heard so far is a smooth talking politician.

Believe me, I think Bush is an evil genious who plays to the masses (he learned alot from Hitler) but he has a very strong power base. Its pretty hard to topple this kind govt.

I can't help but wonder what will happen if Bush does win. What then? Will there be rioting in the streets? Will he be overthrown by force? Will he be impeached? Has anyone thought this far ahead or is everyone just saying, "Think positive!"