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Thread #68978   Message #1166992
Posted By: GUEST
21-Apr-04 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush pulls ahead of Kerry in latest poll
Subject: RE: BS: Bush pulls ahead of Kerry in latest poll
It is true the two are statistically in a dead heat in the polls. Bush at 48 and Kerry at 44 is a tie, and not any different than Kerry at 48 and Bush at 44. I find it interesting that after flooding the battleground states with $50 million in advertising, Bush/Cheney didn't seem to get much for their investors' money.

It is also true that the points in the polls may not turn out to be equivalent to percent of the vote come November. I would hope that by the fall, when people start to pay attention to the race, that Bush looks so bad, that enough voters will be able to admit to themselves they made a mistake when they voted for him last time, and switch their votes.

I find it amusing that people keep repeating the urban myth that Nader's voters will only come from the left. It is true that my vote for Nader will, but Nader's polling numbers right now show that he has maintained core support from 2000, and his new supporters are Republican defectors. But of course, it is easier to just keep mouthing the same old platitudes and cliches. "A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush" is the motto of Democrats not paying any attention to the facts of this election.

Just as Mark points out above, there are plenty of things Bush has done as president--extremely negative and destructive things. Republicans who have lost faith in him are often committing sins of omission, just as disgruntled Democrats who are stuck with Kerry as their candidate are often committing sins of omission about their candidate.

When I finally decided to vote for Nader, my heart began to sing with hope again, and my head stopped hurting when I thought about the presidential race. You folks should try it! Why vote for a candidate that depresses you? Why vote for a candidate that makes you say things like "He'll be better than Bush"? Now there is a damning indictment if I ever heard one. Attila the Hun would be better than Bush.