The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69039   Message #1168482
Posted By: Bobert
22-Apr-04 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: American Election Problems 2004
Subject: RE: BS: American Election Problems 2004
Hey, brucie, I ain't throwin' in the towell. I'll vote fir Nadar which ain't quittin'. Votin' fitr Kerry is to me like quittin'. He doesn't have the balls (excuse by French...) to offer any alternatives in Iraq, like getting the heck out. Now if he were tyo say, for instance, that if he is elected over Bush and Diebold, that he would withdraw all military personel within 90 days of his innauguration, hey, I would get back on the bandwagen, but he doesn't. It's just more of the same old crap. More "boots on the ground, blah, blah, blah...."

Fine you want more boots on the ground? Load a C-5 to the ceiling with, ahhhhh, boots, fly over Iraq and drop 'um. But get our army out. Everything that Bush said originally for being there turned out to be a lie. His? CIA's? FBI'S. Who cares! He was wrong, now we should leave and provide an address to the Iraqi's to send the bill for the damages... Oh? You say that the original reasons for attacking Iraq were not about WMD's, Al Quida or Mushroom Clouds, but to get rid of a brutal dictator? Fine you've done that, too. Now leave.....

Yeah, that's what I want Kerry to say and unless he comes close, it's Nadar agin fir this ol hillbilly...
