The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69110   Message #1169273
Posted By: Bearheart
23-Apr-04 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: Love songs with happy endings?
Subject: Love songs with happy endings?
I swore I would not start another thread so soon, but I did a search for happy love songs (three mentions in threads, no songs) and for love songs with happy endings (one thread, no songs). I think we need a thread like this. The sad love songs in my song book outnumber the happy (52 happy, and that only because I count the ones that turn out alright in the end). 56 sad, and that's because I'm holding back. The Ironical and Comical love songs (23 items currently) include some that could probably go in the sad catagory.

So what are your favorites? I'd like to add a few more and maybe learn some new ones or remember some I'd forgotten about.

Personal faves: Queen Amang the Heather, First Time ever I Saw Your Face, Bonny Jean Cameron, The Gypsy's Wedding, Love and Freedom...
